
When an application is submitted to the local planning authority, a Planning Statement is one of the most important components to help achieve a successful result.

A pre-planning application often requires a Planning Statement to identify the context and need for the proposed development, along with arguments outlining why the proposal accords with planning policy. In basic terms, it sets the scene for the Planning Officer, assisting them with their decision by providing arguments for why the scheme is acceptable.

old dilapidated barn

What does it include?

Our planning statement outlines:

  • The Site Context
  • Relevant Planning History
  • Planning Assessment
  • Planning Balance

The grant of planning permission is largely dependent on whether the proposal is in line with planning policy. The Planning Statement will, therefore, assess the proposals against the local planning authority’s Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). If the proposed development is contrary to policy, the Planning Statement will outline other material considerations, such as legal cases, precedents and planning history, along with any emerging planning policies, to argue your case.

Planning Decisions should apply a presumption in favour of sustainable development. As such, the planning balance will examine the social, economic and environmental credentials of the scheme and will balance any benefits against its shortcomings.

What's the difference between a Planning Statement and a Design & Access Statement?

A Design and Access Statement will often be created by the Architect to examine the design principles and concepts of the proposal. Usually, it will outline how a proposed development has been shaped and informed by its setting and it is a suitable response to the site. The Design and Access Statement is good to visualise the scheme, by understanding the scale, siting, design and massing.

In comparison, the Planning Statement goes beyond that required by a Design and Access Statement by outlining the planning policies applicable to the scheme. Planning law requires developments to be determined in accordance with the development plan and therefore, the Planning Statement aims to demonstrate that the proposal is in accordance with all local, regional and national planning policy and in turn, assisting the Planning Officer in their determination of the application.

Get your project off the ground with professional pre-application advice

We offer expert pre-application advice and prepare detailed planning statements to support your planning applications. Our dedicated team of planning consultants work to help secure the planning permission you need. From initial strategy through to liaising with your Local Authority, and preparing Planning Statements and any other required supporting documentation, Atlas Planning Group can project manage your application from start to finish.


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