Replacement dwelling in Wokingham countryside
After receiving negative pre-application advice, we achieved planning permission for a backland development site in Wokingham's countryside.
The Brief
We were instructed by our clients to help with their planning application after they had received negative pre-application advice. They wanted to demolish their existing dwelling which fronted the road and to replace it with a much larger property on land behind the site, along with a row of buildings on a backland plot. The site was positioned within the countryside and therefore, the proposal was subject to certain planning restrictions.
Within the pre-application advice, the Local Planning Authority argued that replacement dwelling policies were not applicable to the scheme as the new home was positioned in a different position within the site. Further to this, they argued that because the proposed location was positioned in the countryside where new dwellings are restricted, and behind the existing building line, the development in any respect would not be favourably received by the Council.
Our Solution
Atlas Planning Group were therefore instructed to help fulfil the client’s dream of a new house on their plot. Using appeal precedents, along with other planning applications, we demonstrated that the proposed development should in fact be considered acceptable. The proposal was of the highest quality, providing improved living conditions for existing occupiers and enhanced the landscape value along a Green Route. A Tree Report accompanied the planning application, which demonstrated that the existing trees were to be protected and the proposed site plan demonstrated that the proposed replacement dwelling also improved the visibility splays at the access.
There were obvious and significant benefits afforded to the replacement dwelling. All the benefits were outlined within the Planning Statement, which showed how the development accorded with local planning policy and the National Planning Policy Framework.
However, despite our efforts and no objections from any of the consultees, the application was refused by Wokingham Borough Council. The application was refused on grounds that the proposal would impact the character and appearance of the countryside and that the scheme was not an appropriate form of development within the countryside.
However, Atlas Planning Group lodged an appeal against the decision. The Statement of Case provided counter arguments to the Council’s assertions, demonstrating that there were several developments in a backland location. Due to the presence of existing development on all sides of the site, the development would not encroach further into the countryside and would not conflict with the purpose of their policies. At appeal, the Inspector agreed with our comments and finding no harm to the character and appearance of the countryside, allowed the appeal.
Project Success
The appeal was allowed, and the clients are over the moon to have received planning permission for their dream home.