Planning Applications
Let our planning experts assemble your planning application to give you the best chance of success.
Putting together a planning application can be a time-consuming and complex process – leading to protracted and costly delays if handled incorrectly.
What is a planning application?
A planning application is a formal request for consent to carry out certain pieces of building work. In most cases, planning permission can be obtained by submitting an application to your Local Planning Authority, which is usually the planning department of your local council.
Do I need planning permission and why?
Planning permission is a legal requirement for certain kinds of building projects. The requirement for planning permission can be misleading as to what does and does not require an application for planning.
To understand the exact requirements prior to applications being submitted and works commencing, professional pre-application advice is an important step to learn and understand your planning authority’s view.
For your planning application to be successful, it must accord with National Planning Policies and the Local Planning Policies of your council. Failure to do so may result in your application being refused and more costs may be incurred.
Below is a general guide to different types of building works that do and do not require planning permission. Remember, this is only a guide and we strongly advise seeking our professional guidance to assist in your application for planning.
USUALLY DO require planning permission:
- Construction of new buildings
- Major alteration to existing buildings
- To change the use of buildings and land
- Internal or external alterations to a listed building
- Your property is in a conservation area
- You wish to erect signage or an advert
USUALLY DO NOT require planning permission*
- Extensions (size dependent)
- Conservatories
- Porches
- Garage conversions
- Outbuildings (size dependent)
- Loft conversions
- Fences, gateways and garden walls
- Doors and windows
- Patio and driveways
- Decking
*Professional guidance should be sought to confirm this prior to commencing works.
Let our planning experts manage your aplication
We can co-ordinate the planning application on your behalf, liaising with your architect, preparing a strong case and negotiating with the council’s planning officers. We have an impressive track record of success in securing full planning permission for our clients across different sectors - helping to avoid delays and saving you money.
Assembling and submitting the planning application is only half of our job, and once submitted we will keep in regular contact with the local planning officer to address queries and resolve any issues quickly. We can also consult with residents and community organisations – meeting with them one-to-one and keeping them informed throughout. By ensuring good communication from the start, we can give you the best chance of a successful outcome.
Contact us to discuss your project.